Our Curriculum Aims:
To invest in our students to help them become:
- Confident and aspirational young people, who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- Responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society
- Successful learners who enjoy learning; make good progress, achieve excellence and are on the route to economic well-being
Principles and approaches
- Supporting independence in learning and behaviour underpins our work.
- Maintaining as close an alignment to mainstream provision as possible to support reintegration.
- To support students to achieve economic well-being we are focussed on ensuring a successful transition into appropriate education, employment or training.
- To be aspirational and develop ambition in our students
- To be values based and build character
- We know all our students and their provision takes into account their individual needs.
Our Curriculum is comprised of three strands:
- Academic and Vocational Provision/Qualifications
- Personal Development and Participation and Engagement Programmes
- Economic Well-being Development Provision including CEIAG
These strands are covered in the following policies:
- Personal Development and Participation and Engagement Policy
- Economic Well-being Policy